Sildenafil Uses I Cenforce 100 I What is Sildenafil 100

Cenforce 100mg (Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg) has a place with a gathering of medicines called phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. It works by loosening up the veins in your private part, enabling blood to stream into your private part when you get sensually excited. This medicine is utilized for the treatment of men with erectile brokenness, which is the failure to accomplish or keep up a penile erection adequate for satisfactory sensual activity.
This medicine is manufactured in India by Centurion Laboratories. It is accessible in products quality

Sildenafil uses

Cenforce 100 tablet is primarily utilized in erectile brokenness; this tablet improves the bloodstream into vein and use in sensuality issue. Also, in some cases of hypertension, some specialist for some case recommends this medicine. This tablet doesn't protect from STDs.

How does this medication work? 

This tablet is having a place to the classification of PDE-5 inhibitors. When a man suffers to erectile brokenness, individual to take Cenforce 100 tablet as a recommended measurements. This tablet is orally taken around 15 to 30 minutes before the intercourse. This tablet comprises sildenafil citrate chemical which are increment cGMP level into body which helps to increase the bloodstream into veins into the body. This tablet has helpful impacts, and furthermore imperative to in erection occurs and prompts flaccidity of blood into penile area, penile part of body being flaccidity because decreased bloodstream into penile area, it was finished by PDE-5 enzyme, for the most part, this enzyme is in charge of the chemical that called as cGMP

How to take?

Take this medication 45 to an hour prior. When taken, don't take it again inside 24 hours. Its viability keeps going 4 to 5 hours. Drinking liquor before taking it can cause an impermanent impairment in getting an erection. Fat rich sustenance should be maintained a strategic distance from prior to taking it.

Mechanism Action

Mechanism of activity of this tablet is expended a glass of water before at least 15 to 30 minutes, the tablet is belong to PDE-5 inhibitor medications, so this work as degradative activity on cGMP level into body, the phosphodiesterase type 5 to manage a blood flow into vein, and after some time which is helpful to improve a bloodstream and work as streaming additionally into male sensual organ into body. That is the reason your erectile dysfunction issue as analyze and comprehended by a doctor. The medication is stored in a safe and dry spot.


Missed Dose
In some individual have missed portion to be taken as given measurements, special educate to don't forget any portion amid treatment people who are interested in sensual intercourse, be an update before sensual intercourse. Don't forget to take a tablet before sensual intercourse.


For this situation, the patient doesn't any approach to overdose of the tablet, if it's happening for some situation promptly go for the closest emergency clinic or request call to a specialist immediately.

Side Effects
Stomach Upset
Blurred Vision
Bladder Pain


  1. Not so long ago I had such a problem, and I tried several times to solve this problem without a pharmacy, but it's impossible. I decided to take a special medicine, thank you Cenforce-100 it really helped me a lot, and now I can feel like a real man.


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